There are 4(four) Engineering Divisions and One Horticulture wing in BDA. Each Division and Horticulture wing are headed by Executive Engineer & Chief Horticulturist respectively. The overall charge of the Engineering Branch lies with the Chief Engineer-cum-Engineer Member. The Engineering Wings are responsible for implementing different project like housing, commercial, horticulture and the infrastructure facilities. The remarkable achievements during the year 2016-17 and plan activities for the year 2017-18 (Current year) are indicated below.

This division has been entrusted with building work, road, infrastructure work etc.
Completed Projects
Recently this Division has completed following housing project.
- Construction of Housing project at Gadakana. (Total asset-144 Nos)
- Construction of Group Housing project over plot No. 1604 at Paikarapur. (Total asset-144 Nos)
- Construction of Group Housing project over plot No. 1531 at Paikarapur. (Total asset-224 Nos)
Ongoing Projects
- Construction of ISBT at Baramunda.
- Construction of BTC at Master Canteen Square at Bhubaneswar.
- Construction of Market Complex at Khordha.
- Development of road connecting Sainik School at Damana Chhak.
The Engineering wing Division No. II, BDA is responsible for implementing different projects like Housing, Commercial, Commercial-cum-Residential and infrastructure facilities.
Completed Projects
Ongoing Projects
Completed Projects
Ongoing Project
Horticulture Division of BDA has taken various steps for environmental upgradation in the city through development of parks, open spaces, traffic island, taking up of plantation block, avenue and park areas as well as urban forestry. Horticulture Division has already developed about 69 nos. of parks in and around of Bhubaneswar City, Jatani and Khorda Municipal area. Some of the major parks are Indira Gandhi Park, Bijupattnaik Park, Mahatma Gandhi Park, Madhusudan Das Park, Subash Ch. Bose Park, Guru Kelu Charan Mohapatra Park, Joggers Park, Kharvela Park etc.
In addition to park development plantation of flowering, foliage, medicinal saplings are also taken up in different parks, open spaces to maintain the greenery of the city. In the year 2016-17 about 5,000 nos. of saplings were planted at different locations and 10,000 nos. of saplings were distributed at free of cost to different Government and Private Organizations, individuals for planting in their premises This year also there is a target for plantation of about 5,000 nos. of saplings at different park and open space area and distribution of 10,000 nos. of saplings to various organizations at free cost.
Besides several other programme are also organized by way of plant distribution mela, gardening competition, drawing competition and art exhibition etc in association with various organizations to create awareness among public towards maintenance of greenery of the city.
Park completed & opened to public during the year 2017-18
- Sailashree Vihar Park Phase-VII : Sailashree Vihar Phase-VII Park has been developed over an area of 1.5 acre of land provided with landscape area, pathway, benches, children’s play corner, rain shelter, yoga mandap, open gymnasium facility etc. The park is being maintained by BDA’s own staff and opened to general public.
- Joggers Park at Gayatrivihar: This park has been developed over an area of about 3.32 acres land provided with pathway, benches, open gymnasium facility ,children play corner, yoga mandap, garden lighting system, water supply system, boarder and shrubbery plantation. Further plantation of medicinal and shrubbery will be taken up during the monsoon and is being used by local people.
- K-8 Kalinga Nagar Park: - This park is about 10.00 acres of land, Phase-I of the park has already been completed. The Phase- II work of the park started providing with open gymnasium facility, yoga mandap, rain shelter, pathway, plantation etc. The park will be completed soon.
- K-8 Children’s Park : The park has been developed over an area of about 1.5 acres of land provided with facility of pathway, lawn area, children’s play items etc. The park is being maintained by horticulture staff of BDA.
- Chief Minister, Grievance Cell Office Park: The landscaping and horticultural works of Chief Minister Grievance Cell Office completed as per design and opened to public.
- Dumduma H.B. Colony Phase –III Park : The Park has been developed over an area of 3.00 acres and used as open space and play ground for local children. This park has been provided with open gymnasium facility. Steps are being taken to upgrade the area henceforth.
- Dumduma H.B. Colony Phase – Phase -V Park : This park has been developed over an area of 0.5 acres of land provided with play items, plantation, shrubbery and opened to general public. Presently, the park is being maintained by BDA staff.
- K-6 Kalinga Nagar Park(Subudhipur) : The park is being developed over an area of Ac. 1.5 with facility of landscape, lawn development, open gym facility, pathway. Now ground reclamation and earth filling work is continuing. The Park will be completed soon.
- Nayapalli N-5 Park: The park is being developed over an area of about 3.00 acres of land with pathway, boundary wall, lawn development, shrubbery, play corner, open gym. facility etc. Presently, the park is being maintained BDA’s own staff. The park opened for public use. Steps are taken to develop and upgrade further.
Other Amenities and Facilities Provided at Different Parks of BDA.
- Skating Rink : 02(Two) nos. of Skating Rink have been constructed and opened to public for practice of skating, they are at : Madhusudan Das Park and Buddha Jayanti Park.
- Open Gym. Facility: Open air gyms, which have become a craze among the park goers across the city are now available at 27 BDA parks. Making the citizens smarter and healthier irrespective of their age groups, the facilities would be available in few more parks in the coming days.
- Multi Gym Facility: 03(Three) nos of Multi Gym. Yoga Centre and Aerobics Centre to be opened soon at Pokhariput Park, Kharvel Park and Buddha Jayanti Park.
- Barrier Free Access Facility: Barrier free access facility has been completed at Indira Gandhi and Bijupattnaik Park.
- Acupressure Walkway : 02 (Two) nos. of Acupressure Walkway completed at Bijupattnaik Park whch is being used by public in morning and evening time. The newly inaugurated acupressure walkway inside Biju Patnaik Park has become a favourite attraction among park goers as walking barefoot on the walkway results in a new neuro-motor experience for the user.
- Smart City project : Four nos. of BDA Parks at Sahidnagar & BDA-OMC Park have been upgraded by Bhubaneswar Smart City Ltd.
- Maintain Clean & Green : To upkeep the parks neat and clean Sulabh International has been entrusted with the work of Sanitation Cleanliness of five nos. of parks , they are:- Bijupattnaik, Indira Gandhi, Buddha Jayanti , Mahatma Gandhi and Madhusudan Das Park.